Education Opportunities for Youth and Adults
Confirmation: Confirmation Pizza Nights begin in September and end in May. All middle school and high school students are welcome to attend. Pastor Joel makes Pizza for the class to eat and then teaches a lesson related to Luther’s Small Catechism. We learn about the Bible, the Ten Commandments, the Apostle’s Creed, the Sacraments, the Protestant Reformation and many other faith related topics. When students reach 9th grade they are confirmed and participate in an affirmation of baptism with the congregation. Church member Laurel Vodopich assists Pastor Joel. We meet in the Fellowship Hall on the second Sunday of each month from 5-6:00 pm, Fall through Spring only.
Sunday School: We've changed our format to an inter-generational Sunday School event and we encourage everyone to attend! These events happen the first Sunday of the month from 9:30 to 10:15 am, prior to worship. Pastor Joel and a team of Sunday School leaders lead us in a theme for the day, and we do activities such as acting out the Bible stories, making crafts, and singing songs to learn about God’s work in our lives. Once we even had a puppet show! It will be fun and educational for our youngest, oldest and all people in between. Contact Pastor Joel with any questions.

Bible Study: If you're interested in learning more about the coming week's Gospel lesson, join Pastor Joel and the OSLC community for a Sacred Conversation, Wednesdays at 1pm in the Fireside Room. Pastor Joel leads us through an informative PowerPoint presentation and facilitates discussion.