Lent at Our Saviour's Lutheran
Lent is here and we are excited to announce that we are gathering each Wednesday for soup and prayer. Come at 5:30 for a simple soup supper and stay for a time of Prayer Around the Cross which will begin at 6:00 pm in our church Fellowship Hall (the service runs just over a half hour).
This is a contemplative style of worship and involves the use of candlelight and simple songs from the Taize community in France (as well as others). Everyone has a chance during the service to light a candle and reflect upon the challenges of life, and these services help to prepare us for the events of Holy Week and the eventual Easter celebration.

Holy Week Schedule 2024
Palm Sunday Worship @ 10:30
Maundy Thursday Worship @ 6:30 pm
Good Friday Worship @ 6:30 pm
Easter Breakfast 9-10 am
Decorate the Cross 9:30 am - We invite you to bring fresh flowers.
Easter Sunday Worship @ 10:30 am